Friday, January 29, 2010


Great turnout for the tour today, glad so many people could make it over to see the progress at the new space.  If you were one of the people who walked thru I would love to hear your feedback, comments, suggestions, questions, rants, whatever …comment here or shoot me an email.  I also left the finish board on the 6th floor (photo below) if you didn't get to see or want to take another look.
Centro 222 Finishes
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I almost forgot....

I hope everyone is planning to stop by tomorrow afternoon!  In case you didn't see the original email invite it is posted below...

Hi All!
Hope you are having a fabulous week thus far!
I have recently received many requests to tour the new space as we inch closer to completion and am thrilled that everyone is so excited.  As you know (because I am sure you follow the project blog ), we are full speed ahead with construction and every day the space looks more and more like Centro’s new home!
Rather than scheduling individual tours with each group (and asking the contractors to stop for each tour) I would like to invite everyone to stop by on Friday, January 29 from 3:30 – 5:30pm and check out the progress around the corner.
Hope to see everyone on Friday!
Happy Day,
alicia d bird

We are Painting!! (and I learned how to add a slideshow)

A morning meeting brought me to 222 @ 8:45 and I didn’t want to leave - the space looks great!  I met with the painter and discussed the wall colors, he threw a sample up during our meeting and a trip back later in the day proved that this is a great color choice!  Usually selecting paint colors is difficult and time consuming for me (due to my constantly changing ideas and inability to select and move on) in this case, however, it was fun and all came together extremely well.   I am playing with two accent walls and may still make a few changes, but I am almost finished with the paint plan (and very excited about it).  I have used the logo colors throughout the space to enhance the curves and angles of the design and develop the two unique yet unified spaces. See painting progress in the slideshow below or click on the photos to go to the full album.  

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A brief look back and a detailed look ahead

As I walked the space today with Tony we started chatting about the progress the past few weeks and almost simultaneously stopped and said “I cannot believe everything is still on time”.    We have both worked in construction before and know that construction and installation schedules are revised frequently and completion dates are really just moving targets.  BUT WE are still on schedule, the schedule we drafted late November, this is pretty incredible!  And the physical move date of the office has been pushed back a week, so we will actually be done early! 
Yes, I am bragging but my fingers are still crossed !!
Anyway, on a serious note, below is a pretty detailed update and look ahead and here are a few updated photos…
Drywall:  We are 95% finished hanging drywall (kitchen and large conference room are not complete).  Taping and sanding is complete on the east side and the painters started today.  An interesting factoid - because of the size of the soffit (it’s massive) we actually have to hang, tape, sand and paint the wall above the soffit before we hang the drywall on the soffit.  So the soffit is sans drywall at the moment and will be one of the last items to actually look finished…I am okay with this…it is like the icing on the cake (mmm..cake).
Glass:  All of the aluminum frames for the glass “storefront” detail in all the offices and conference rooms are on site and installation will begin later this week.  Once the taping and sanding is complete we will order the actual glass and install it.
Wood Doors:  All wood doors (for offices and all conference rooms except large conference room) and hardware are scheduled to arrive the week of February 1st.  Track and doors will be installed during the week of the February 8th.
Electrical and Lighting:  Light fixtures are scheduled to ship on February 1, and should arrive on site by the end of that week.  We will begin installing light fixtures the week of the 8th and will be done with the installation by the 11th.  The decorative fixtures are all onsite except for one, which should arrive by this Friday.  Electrical rough in is complete on the east side of the space and we are ready to install the fixtures as soon as they arrive.  Electrical work on the west side is wrapping up this week and will be complete for installation the week of the 8th.
Carpeting:  Carpeting will arrive in Chicago at Urban’s Warehouse by February 8th  and we are scheduled to begin installation on the 15th.  This installation will take about 5 days, so should wrap up by the 19th
HVAC:  Ductwork on the west side is complete and the east side is 90% complete.  Installation of the fan power boxes and VAV boxes will begin the week of February 1st.
Painting:  Paint colors for the soffit and wall above the soffit have been selected.  Tomorrow I will meet with the painter and approve the wall colors.
 More updates on finish items to come…stay tuned…

Monday, January 25, 2010

Drywall, Paint, Lighting and Photos...what more do you want?

Saturday was another busy day at 222, see update below...

Drywall for the offices on the West side of the space is well underway.  Taping and sanding on the east side will be complete by Wednesday and will begin taping and sanding the west side on Thursday.  HVAC is 70% finished and will be complete by the end of the week.  Painting will begin this week! Sprinkler pipes have already been painted.   I selected wall colors last week and will test and approve each color on Tuesday.   I now have 90% of the decorative light fixtures on site and have a few options for the entry. Those will be hung and a decision made by the end of the week.  They are all very cool fixtures…this is will be a tough decision!  New pictures added today also.