Friday, February 12, 2010

Count me down to Centro's new digs!!!

The countdown begins and so will the Carpet!  After another successful week, we are still on schedule with no major delays.  Work will continue on Saturday and by Monday the floor prep will begin and carpet will be laid on the East side of the space.  Updated pictures with more to come!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Around the Corner in 30 Days

Okay...26 days
Last week Scott and I began planning the logistics for the actual move and have since been moving full speed ahead.  In an effort to reduce overtime and account for any issues that may (hopefully not) arise we would like to begin moving furniture (workstations) from 444 to 222 on Wednesday, March 3rd.   A survey was sent out to department heads regarding their team’s ability to work wirelessly or remotely for a couple days.  Thanks to all who participated and completed the survey!  There are many misfit desks/tables floating around the three offices that will serve as temporary desks for teams that have agreed to let us take their workstations early.  Conference rooms will also be used these two days as temporary work areas.  Detailed move plans will be circulated as soon as they are finalized…stay tuned!

 A few goals for the move:

o   Move with minimal disruption to daily Centro activities
o   Create as little waste as possible
o   Plan for possible challenges that may arise…example - what if Ryan breaks his leg and cannot help with the move??
o   Begin packing and consolidating each area early
o   Label everything…even the labels
o   Do not disrupt the Auditors

Monday, February 8, 2010

New Photos 2.8.2010

New photos added to show the weekend happenings!  Slideshow below, link here....enjoy!