Friday, February 5, 2010

TwoTwoTwo ProProProgress (continued)

Updates for this fabulous Friday....
The East side of the office was painted this week and the final coat will be applied Mon/Tues of next week.  This side will finish on Tuesday.  Taping and sanding on the West side will finish next week and painting will begin Thursday.  Today I changed the paint for the rear hallway, hollow metal doors, large conference room and human hydrating station.  I only have one wall in the entire space that is still under consideration and will remain unpainted until I commit to one of my many ideas. 
Carpet will be installed on the East side of the office on Monday the 15th and the installers will work their way West.  They should begin on the West side by Wednesday.  Floor will be leveled (correction: flattened?) where needed (mostly at the entry) next week to prepare for flooring installation. Cork flooring will begin on the 15th as well and installed simultaneously with carpet.
All HVAC work should be complete by Friday 2/12.
Fixtures in the workstation areas will all be hung by Friday 2/12.  These began today on the West side and look amazing, see....

Such a sleek, simple fixture…a huge improvement from 444.  The light fixtures hung in the Café above the bar will be taken down, the black wires replaced with white, and rehung next week. 

See previous post, please volunteer, and stay tuned for updates…

I hope everyone is half as excited as I am for the new office…I do believe it will rock Centro’s world!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

TwoTwoTwo ProProProgress

The past two days at the new space has been intense, progress has surpassed even MY expectations.  I am amazed at how quickly the paint is going up and how rich the colors are turning out.  Paint reads much brighter in the photos than it actually looks in the space. 
Lighting has been installed in the Café and one of the conference rooms.  Sconce lights have also gone in along the South wall.  I am excited to see all of these illuminated, they should really accentuate the brick between the windows and the heavy timber ceiling.   
I am working on the design for the teaming/Scrum area on the East side and am tossing around a few interesting ideas regarding the materials that will be used (metal, glass, wood).  This will be finalized early next week but will be one of the last items to go up.  I am excited for this to come together!
Planning for the actual move is underway.  More details and outreach for volunteers to come….stay tuned!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Floor plan and workstation layout!

As promised to many of you, I have now uploaded the furniture plan showing the location of the workstations and team areas.  Below is a preview, click on the photo to go to the full doc.  As Scott and I have previously mentioned, we used data gathered from each team and have come up with a layout that meets a majority of the needs and wants expressed by each team.  While we realize it is impossible to please everyone, that will not prevent us from trying.  So, please review the layout but keep in mind this is only the “suggested” areas for each team and is open to revision in order to further meet your needs.  Please feel free to leave a comment, send me an email or give me a call if you have questions, concerns or ideas.


Happy Tuesday!