Saturday, March 6, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

IN with the new!

Out with the old....

Wow less than 5 days until Centro gets to meet their new office!!

That's all.

Movin' along

This is big week for Centro (on many fronts – long live “the Transis”) but in Chicago the office at 444 is completely torn apart and…well, dirty!!   
Moving efforts started Monday and started small.  The movers took glass panels from workstations and a few other small items, probably unnoticeable to most peeps.  The new furniture was delivered to 222 last Friday and they began to set up desks and offices.  Today 302 was cleared out (a million thanks to Ad Ops for spending a few days at home – and for the rock star packing efforts!!). The appliances were also moved and a cluster of desks from 305 made the journey around the corner (Katy, Peter, Ryan and Amy – thanks for playing musical chairs today!!).  Organized chaos is how I would describe the past couple days at the office(s) and am sure this will continue through the weekend.  This is expected and something we have planned for well in advance so no surprises from a packing/moving perspective. Photos are posted…click van linkle will take you there!