Wednesday, February 17, 2010

...and then I woke up on the new carpet!

So I did not make it over to the space today until all the workers were gone and it was starting to get dark.  I rode the elevator up to 4 to find the entry taped off so I could not even exit the elevator, BUT the flooring at the entry was half installed…so I was ecstatic!  I rode the elevator back down to the first floor, stairs back up to 4, doors locked..argh, stairs back down, freight elevator up to 4, finally…I am in!  
I was a lone photographer for about an hour, it was nice.  I walked around taking photos and just taking it all in, comparing this near finished product to the vision that has shaped it for the past few months.  I finally lay down on the carpet for a bit…I have been ill for a couple days so had wanted to do this all day.  It was nice to say the least.  Something that came to mind…throughout the project I have given many tours and walked through the space with different groups and individuals involved, each tour evoking comments and opinions on the progress and design.  One comment that I have heard consistently (and that always gives me butterflies) is that "Centro is going to feel like one company", or “Centro is growing up”, with all peeps on one floor and able to fill an office of this size, there will be a new sense of unity within the company, which I imagine will be exciting for everyone. I am sincerely honored to be part of something so amazing.

Oh....and the carpet is almost finished on the East side and the "cork" flooring has been installed in the medium conference room and is in progress at the entry.

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