Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A few detailed updates....

Carpet began yesterday in the offices on the East side.   I decided to go with a ¼ turn pattern for the tiles to keep these from looking like broadloom and give the tiles a bit more definition.  Photos are up, take a look!  Carpet in the workstation area and circulation areas will begin tomorrow.

Centro Café:
I think this should be called Centro Perk…pretty good eh?!?
The cabinets for the kitchen are almost finished…a couple changes need to be made but will be finished by the end of the week.  The barstools have been ordered, the booth tables have been finalized.  Still contemplating a solution or the ugly black cords on the pendant lights…maybe conduit?  Minor detail but it will drive me nuts until it is fixed.  The laminate for a portion of the backsplash was not made properly so it is being remade and will be installed Monday morning. 

Office lighting:
The fixtures for the private offices proved to be a bit tricky to figure out and were moved several times.  We used the same fixtures that are installed throughout the space but they hang below the ceiling tiles in 75% of the offices.  This would not be an issue except the ceiling grid runs at an angle, as does the entry wall for each office.  The question of the day today was…Do I hang these perpendicular to the back wall so they are not in line with the ceiling grid but parallel to the side walls?  Or hang them in line with the ceiling grid so they “appear” straight, but not parallel to the side walls?  Did I lose you?  In essence:  Do I want them to actually BE straight or just APPEAR straight?  I think I made the best decision.

More updates and photos to come tomorrow…stay tuned.

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