Thursday, February 18, 2010

Are you faux sure this is faux brick??

One of the "design opportunities" (read: challenges) we came across at the new space was how to use or cover the openings in the brick wall  near the freight elevator.  One of these is located in the large conference room and will be partially covered by the TV.  It is a wall that everyone would be looking at quite frequently.  During a brainstorming session, many creative and unique ideas were we drywall and paint a bold color, drywall and paint to match the wall, have a small mural painted in this space, hang artwork, Centro fingerpainting?? Finally I decided it was best if this wall just "went away", blended with the surrounding wall, as to not distract from the TV.  We decided to give the painter a shot at a faux brick finish to blend with the surrounding wall.  I figured it would be obvious but whimsical and fun.  I think it turned out quite well!
From 20100217_Centro Const Photos

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