Thursday, January 21, 2010

Don't believe me that we are really making progress?? Shame on you...check out Centro 222's pictures!

Hopefully you have already checked out some of the construction photos (link is below and to the left of this post) but if not...
To give you the chance to view the construction process thru my eyes (or camera lens), I am taking photos regularly and uploading to Centro 222's Picasa van linkle will take you there. 

These are a few of my favorites...


This one was taken during the very first field trip after the Op’s team meeting (this one is terrible quality but the best picture I have from this trip – do you have a better one? Send it my way!) and the next few show progress since we began construction (and after I purchased a better camera!).

The view is consistent in all of these photos, I am standing at the reception/entry area looking at offices on the west side of the space. 


...and finally one from yesterday!!


More to come as drywall goes up...stay tuned...

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