Sunday, January 3, 2010

Why am I here? And what am I doing?

Centro Project Overview

I started with Centro in August 2009 as a consultant to manage a few office relocations, facilitate their upcoming real estate transactions and design a new Corporate HQ office in Chicago.  Despite today’s economy Centro is a rapidly growing company with future opportunity for expansion.  Many of their current office’s around the country do not make sense for many reasons (location, size and/or rental rate), the goal is to change that.  For example, the office in LA has no private space for a phone conversation to take place but has a full kitchen and bathroom within the office space – not efficient office space!  In Chicago they occupy three separate offices on two separate floors, again – not efficient office space!  After evaluating their current space and current and future needs Scott Golas (VP at Centro) and I came up with a plan and a few objectives to drive the project – I have listed those below:
What would Centro like to get out of this project? (Centro’s Goals)
  • To consolidate all Chicago office’s (3 separate spaces) to one floor  
  •  Relocate NY, LA and San Francisco offices to more cost “efficient” spaces
  • Accomplish items #1 and #2 with minimal disruption to operations
  • Accomplish all three of the above items without increasing our current expenses
This project is a conglomeration of my previous work experience and the first time I have been able to utilize a majority of my skills in one project for one client (hence my excitement!).  Because of this, I set a few goals of my own to make this a successful and fun endeavor for myself!   
What would I like to get out of this project? (Personal Goals)  
  • Network and build relationships within the industry
  • Learn and/or do something new everyday
  • Identify what makes Centro’s culture so unique in today’s business world and absorb a bit of this "way of working" to apply in my future endeavors
  • Love it or hate it?  This project will help me determine if this is a career path I would like to follow

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