Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Creating Centro's Design Program

What is a design program?

Design Programming is a multi-step process used to gather information, identify goals and establish the decision making process which defines the scope of the design.  It is imperative to include the client (end-user) in the programming process in order to design an efficient and productive space. 
“By assisting the organization in understanding its needs, as well as analyzing and recommending ways to link the organization's mission, business, and work processes to an intelligent workplace and space strategy, the interior designer adds value to the client's organization and real estate." (Source: WBDG Web site, design disciplines, Interior Design). 

Centro's Design Program:

To create the design program, I gathered department and employee data (some of which was already compiled due to previous attempts at a move), met with team leaders and studied Centro’s work environment and culture to determine goals and objectives for the performance of their new space.  Prior to the project I was familiar with Centro but not to the extent I would need to be in order to design a space that reflects their very unique culture.  For this reason, I requested to use one of their non-occupied desks as a touch-down space for this project.  My desk is on the floor with the tech team (in hindsight – the absolute best location) where lighting the office is optional and very infrequent, yet it is surrounded by arcade games, a foosball table and an abundance of snacks and beverages.  Not too bad!  After many revisions to employee counts and growth projections, I finally developed a comprehensive program to use to begin planning the new space. 

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